日頭聽蟬叫,夜晚聽蛙鳴,夏天冇咗呢啲聲音就好似唔完整。 尤其夜晚喺河流或小水池附近,可以搵到呢隻雄性劉氏掌突蟾起勢咁叫吸引異性。每種青蛙都有獨特嘅叫聲,而佢哋嘅叫聲近似蟲鳴,而且體型較細,有時要比啲耐性仔細啲先發現到。
Lau's Leaf Litter Toad croaking Male toads use special mating calls to attract mates. In order to look for their Mr Right, female toads identify the special croaking sound from the male toads for mating. These toads have unique insect-like croak for distinguishing between species.
劉氏掌突蟾 Lau's Leaf Litter Toad