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「仲有香港獨有嘅 盧氏小樹蛙~ 」Romer's Tree Frog

Writer's picture: sze man laisze man lai


盧氏小樹蛙~ 」Romer's Tree Frog


所以係保育方面,除左有法例保護之外,仲有進行遷地保育工作。 當年玫瑰園計劃興建新機場時,一度威脅到盧氏小樹蛙分佈係大嶼山、赤鱲角嘅族群, 於是幫佢地人工繁殖再野放係唔同地點建立群落。幸好經過二十多年,盧氏小樹蛙嘅存活情況暫時未有令人擔憂。不過今時今日嘅推土式發展無所不在,例如非法倒泥頭填平魚塘濕地同埋發展郊野公園邊陲,唔止盧氏小樹蛙,令到唔少野生動物嘅生境地都受到破壞同威脅。 #我細細個就聽過呢個名喇 #港人有港人港地咁港蛙呢

Romer's Tree Frog is one of the endemic species to Hong Kong. This "endangered" species is rated higher than the "vulnerable" Giant panda in IUCN Red List of Threatened species. Their brownish skin helps them blend into the environment without notice by their predator. We can identify them by the cross at their back and the tiny size that similar to a 10-cent coin. However, this native frog is facing the problems of habitat loss and narrow distribution. Over these twenty years, they are under reintroduction and ex-situ conservation in order to protect their wild population.


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