與綠海龜浮潛 snorkelling with a green turtle
Baby green turtles will release strict after hatching from Rimbun Dahan Turtle Hatchery
In Malaysia, we can still see endangered green turtles feeding on seagrass in coastal water easily during snorkelling. The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia also is a hotspot for them to lay eggs. Despite some poaching of turtle eggs occur in unprotected beaches, some conservation groups that buy the eggs back and release hatchlings to the wild. As Malay don't want to see green turtle experiencing the same fate of Leatherback, they work had on turtle conservation.
For Hong Kong, we recorded 4 species of sea turtle in our water. Unfortunately, the latest record of sea turtle giving birth was a green turtle laying eggs on Sham Wan, Lamma Island in 2012. Yet, human disturbance and water pollution cause them no longer visit HK.